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Re: Spitfires mailing list meet (was Saskia passes MOT!)

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Spitfires mailing list meet (was Saskia passes MOT!)
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 06:59:29 +0100
In article <20010509114410.80323.qmail@web9608.mail.yahoo.com>, John
Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk> writes

>> I'm hoping to get Carly back from the garage tomorrow, and, assuming
>> all
>> goes well, will be in touch with Richard and Daffy to arrange a
>> Beds/Cambs List-Meet shortly thereafter.   A UK List-Meet somewhere in
>> the centre of England later in the year sounds a wonderful idea.   Put
>> me down for a flyer once you get it organised.    Please bear in mind
>> that the centre of England, geography notwithstanding, is somewhere to
>> the south of Watford Gap. <g>
>Keep me posted as to when you plan to have your East Anglia get together,
> I may be able to tie it in with a visit to relatives...

Carly is now back in one piece, with a working rear spring, which not
only has made the ride a hell of a lot smoother, it has also lifted her
right side back up to within half-an-inch or so of her left side!   The
old spring was completely lacking in springiness, and was held together
with gaffer tape...

I am hoping that I will be able to visit Richard this Saturday, and I'm
sure that other Spitfire owners would be more than welcome to join us on
our trek to Richard's favourite Triumph haunt.

Is the owner of the mint condition N-reg red GT6 which is currently
parked in Dudley Street, Bedford, reading this?   Care to join us?
>I was thinking somewhere between Sheffield and East Anglia (where we seem
>to have a large list contingent, I guess the flat lands must be kinder on
>our cars!), close to the M1 or A1.  Maybe meet a pub, have a bite to eat
>drive somewhere else (another pub) etc etc...anyone have any thoughts
>about what we could do?

What we *really* need to do is to hire an old airfield or racetrack, and
play with our cars for a bit.   East Anglia is full of such things, and
halfway between Sheffield and Bedford/Cambridge works out about
Lincolnshire (I think), which is also well stuffed with disused WWII
airfields.   We also need to convoy somewhere where our beautiful cars
can be seen.   That reminds me - when's the King's Road Cruise?   I went
up once with the Stiletto, but it is so many years ago now that I can't
even remember which season of the year it takes place, much less which
>> Where exactly are you based?   I shall be driving Carly to Richmond in
>> the North Riding on Friday week, D.V., and I think I shall be going
>> past
>> your door (or within a couple of dozen miles of it at least).   It
>> would
>> be fun to introduce her to Saskia, and to scrounge a cup of coffee of
>> you.
>I am based close to Sheffield, about 10-15 mins drive off junction 32 (I
>think) of the M1.  Anyone who is up this way is welcome to drop by!

Please drop me a line off-list on <OC@46thFoot.com> to let me know how
to find you, and I'll call in tomorrow week.
>> >
>> >I am planning to go to the TSSC Staffordshire weekend on 13th - 15th
>> >July, is anyone else planning to go?
>> I hadn't been, but that is mainly because I have had so many other
>> things on my mind recently (including the book-launch and the cruise)
>> that I have become completely hopeless at organising anything like
>> that.
>> (I'm supposed to be in Winchester this weekend, apparently, but it
>> escaped my notice, and now I can't get a hotel room!).   If I can sort
>> myself out, I might well see you there.
>I am off to Thailand for best part of June, I will go LBC spotting, but I
>think the most exotic vehicle I am likely to see will be the armies of
>tuk-tuks in Bangkok!  I decided that I'd pencil myself in for the TSSC
>weekend otherwise I'd end up arranging other stuff on the same weekend. 
>I seem to be almost as busy/disorganised as you Mike!

It gets worse - I had a 'phone call at work yesterday from the cruise
line with whom I sailed last week.   They've offered me the Lecturer's
job on their next Black Sea cruise in October!   I shall pencil in the
July dates now, in the hope that I don't get called upon to do anything
more exotic between now and then.

Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea,"
published by Greenhill Books on 28th March, 2001:

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