Actually, it IS possible to walk uphill both to and from school, my
youngest son figured it out a few weeks ago.
Picture yourself living by the ocean, on a house boat. When you leave
for school, the tide is OUT, your house boat is LOWER than the
surrounding land, hence you have to walk uphill to school. When you come
home from school, the tide is IN, your house boat is HIGHER than the
surrounding land, hence you have to walk uphill back home.
Yep, kid's got too much time on his hands. However, quite the analysis.
On Mon, 5 Mar 2001 18:57:37 -0600 "Bill Gingerich"
<> writes:
> Well, according to my grandfather, all it took to survive winter was
> to walk
> ten miles each way to school every day. Uphill both ways, of
> course.
> BillG
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