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RE: Suspension Help needed

To: "d t gebhard" <kimkell@decaturnet.com>,
Subject: RE: Suspension Help needed
From: "Mike Nelson" <mnelson@tconl.com>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 09:46:54 -0600
I would be interested in what you discover.  Is the back end coming around
during throttle off cornering .. that will happen, and then becomes a
driving technique to be mastered.  I did read on one guys website that had
adjustable Spax, that he goes full soft in the back for autocross... so
maybe the KYB's are TOO stiff ... especially since you identify the problem
started after replacing the rear shocks.

Also, and others like Joe will have to jump in here.. but if you make the
front al lthe more stiffer.. that will also affect the rear.

Mike Nelson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-spitfires@autox.team.net
> [mailto:owner-spitfires@autox.team.net]On Behalf Of d t gebhard
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 9:27 PM
> To: Spitfire List
> Subject: Suspension Help needed
> Spitlisters: Today I took my Spit for an early
> spring drive. To cut to the chase...why is it that
> when I corner hard,the rear wants to *break loose*
> ?(dry pavement) I have ALL new poly bushing all
> around. New KYB shocks front and back. Real good BF
> Goodrich tires all around. When I had some cheap JC
> Whitney shocks on the back,I didn't have this
> problem as much. Should I look into a rear sway
> bar? Autoxing is defiantly on my agenda. I'm sure
> there's more to it,and I'm willing to look into
> most cures.
>             Dave Gebhard
>             1977 Spitfire

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