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Seat recovering dilemma

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Seat recovering dilemma
From: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 09:23:32 -0500
I found my self at a large dilemma, and was hoping I could get the lists

Last week I recieved my seats back from being recovered.  It took almost 6
months to get them done (which I don't care about, I didn't need them yet
anyhow) but the guy that did them 1. is in Florida where I used to live. and
2. was a friend of a very good friend, and might of done the seats more as a
favor to him.

Well to make a long story short, the seats are aweful.  They have lost all
original contours and now just looked overstuffed in the center with no
padding on the edges.  I can live with most of the problems except for the
seat bottoms.  Instead of having the cushion sit the whole way down in the
seat basket he raised it up two inches, and didn't stuff the edges.  So
there is now no support to the side of your legs, it actually slopes down
and you can feel the wire through the vinyl.  I provided him with a good set
of seat covers for a pattern, and two good bottom seat cushions, and two
seat back cushions where the edges were detiorating on the edges.  I am
wondering if he did not chop up the seat bottoms, I don't know how else it
could look the way it does.  I am heartbroken.  

Also the center material doesn't match up between the seat back and the
bottom, it has a two to three inch difference.

The person that did this, is actually starting into the upholstery business,
so he is not some guy working out of his shop.  And I paid him $400 to do

My main concerns are should I go back to my friend and ask him to bring this
up to the guy.  I now live in Ohio and would have to ship back to Florida.
I am also concerned because my friend is a very good friend, but sometimes
can be quick to anger.

Or should I just suck it up and take it to a local upholstery shop and suck
up the money to try and fix it.  

Your help is appreciated

PS. could someone also send me good images of late 1500 seats to show the
difference in contours between mine and the way they are supposed to be.

Patrick Bowen

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