Sounds great - but I have absolutely no way to get these things off the video
tape and onto a computer. If anyone else does, I'd be happy to send the tape
to them for them to do it - preferably in the UK to avoid excessive postage
costs! Failing that, I'll send it to you, Eric, if you have the necessary
equipment. Although, when you return it, my wife may get suspicious if I'm
being sent videos from the Netherlands! (For those who may not know, the
Netherlands is particularly liberal in what it considers suitable video
viewing for its citizens, especially when compared to the UK). I guess, at
worst, someone with a digital camera could do it, and just play the video on
the television and point the camera at it, but there may be a smarter way to
do it for all I know - not my field!
Not much point anyone in the US volunteering - not only because of the postage
cost, but also because not only our videos, but our televisions, follow a
totally different format in Europe, so it will be unviewable.
Richard & Daffy on 13Dec2000 10:35 AM
To: Richard B Gosling/1M/Caterpillar@Caterpillar
Subject: Re: Triumphs on TV?
Retain Until: 12/01/2001 Retention Category: G90 - Information and
Perkins Confidential: Green
At 03:06 13-12-2000 -0600, Richard B Gosling wrote:
> I would
> love to share the Triumph ones with you all, but I have no idea how that
> be done.
If you can find a way to convert them into Mpeg video files (let's say
about 3-5MB max). I'd love to put them on my website. I'll build a special
extension to the 'Spitfire sales literature' part.
Eric Kieboom - The Netherlands
1976 Spit 1500 - Original Java Green