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Soggy Trousers

To: spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Soggy Trousers
From: Richard B Gosling <Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com>
Date: 19 Sep 2000 05:02:39 -0500
As those of you in the UK might have noticed by now, the weather is not what it
 was...  Now that autumn is well and truly here, Daffy is spending her days
 waiting for me in the car park, being pounded with rain.  My punishment for
 subjecting her to this abuse is that, when I pull away after she's been
 sitting for some time (even a spell at traffic lights will do this a bit), I
 get a dump of water on my left leg.

Before I start crawling around trying to find out where it's getting in, is
 there a common place where water can get into the cabin to do this to you?
 The water appears to be falling from just about where the steering column goes
 under the dashboard, just to the left of the steering column (i.e. towards the
 centre of the car, Daffy being RHD).

When I had Sammy (Samantha the Purple Panther, a Black Tulip MG BGT), there was
 a common problem with the heater box.  For MGBs this was mounted in the engine
 bay, and there was a drain pipe to allow rain water that had entered the
 heater box to drain out.  When this got blocked, the heater box filled up, and
 then drained the water out of the footwell vent, straight onto your ankle, the
 first time you took a corner.  Solution - unblock the drain.  I don't suppose
 there is a remedy equally simple on a Spit?  The water does not seem to be
 coming from the heater box (it is my inside leg that is getting soggy - could
 look embarrasing if anyone spotted it...), but maybe it has collected in the
 tube to the windscreen vents, and is leaking from a hole in that?  Or it is
 coming in through the rust around the windscreen surround, and somehow flowing
 round under the dashboard until it collects somewhere where it can fall on my
 leg from?  Any ideas?

I also get a leak between the windscreen top and the hood (soft-top to
 Americans?), when driving at speed in hard rain.  I know the solution to this
 one - well, two solutions.  First, don't drive at speed in the hard rain in a
 22-year-old British convertible car.  Second option, more practical, I may
 have to admit the summer is over, and it's time to swap to the hard-top for
 the next 6 months.  Oh well, I guess this time comes round every year sooner
 or later.

Oh, while I'm on the subject, one more damp weather anomoly.  Daffy is the only
 car I know that, when you turn on the de-mister, the first thing that happens
 is that the windscreen mists up rapidly, so bad I can barely see where I am
 going - then she starts to de-mist, rather more slowly.  Is this a Spit
 speciality that I should just accept, or is something wrong here that I should

Many thanks,

Richard (damp) and Daffy (damper)

P.S. I would appreciate it if replies could be sent directly to me, as well as
 the list, as I subscribe to the digest but do not want to have to wait a day
 to read any replies!

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