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RE: Engine type

To: Gosling_Richard_B@perkins.com
Subject: RE: Engine type
From: Ian.Wiik@hydro.com
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:42:55 +0100

The SC engine was never used in a tractor, but the engine used in the Triumph
Roadster and Standard Vanguard was also used in Massey Ferguson tractors,
although very down-tuned. This is the same engine used also in all four-cylinder
TRs (TR2-4A).

I have read that this engine design was "copied" from Citroens wet-liner design
used on their Traction Avant. My father owns a Traction Avant and this engine is
known to be very reliable, as is the Triumph engine.

Ian from Norway
65 Spitfire Mk2
80 Porsche 928S

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