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RE: gas prices - YIKES!

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: gas prices - YIKES!
From: "Dean Dashwood" <Dean.Dashwood@ect.enron.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 15:46:25 +0000

I hate to break the bubble, but I think if this had any effect at all, it would
be more likely to *increase* prices:

The plan is that everyone buys enough gas in advance that they don't need to buy
any for the next few days.  Now image that everyone buys their gas together on
the day before the gas-out - what happens to gas levels?  Answer - they fall to
dangerously low levels.  And we all know that the solution to low levels of any
commodity, albeit short-term, is to increase the price.  After all, isn't that
how OPEC have increased the price - by reducing stock levels?  By the time the
gas-out starts, the damage is already done.  Stock levels will be replenished,
since no one is buying gas, but will the prices come back down?  Very unlikely.


Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 09:30:01 -0500
From: "Banbury, Terrence" <Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us>
Subject: RE: gas prices - YIKES!

You're not missing anything.  IF, everybody, ( private citizens, public
agencies, businesses) could somehow boycott fuel purchases for an extended
time, it would make some kind of impact.   Three or four days is only a
placebo for those who have to "do something".   If you could keep a tanker
in dock without it being unloaded for a while, you might get their
attention, but a few days?.....nope.

Terry Banbury

P.S.  I'm glad we can have a difference of opinion here without any personal
attacks...it speaks well for the list members.  Most lists can't say that.

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