Good point...the emotions will subside. Give it a few days.
> ----------
> From: Jeff McNeal[]
> Reply To: Jeff McNeal
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 10:11 AM
> To: Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.); 'spitfires'
> Subject: Re: Signing off for a while
> Doug,
> I can't say that I blame you, but I think you're taking the wrong
> approach.
> I've stopped myself from posting ENOUGH ALREADY! about the damned gas
> price
> threads at least three separate times now. I'm not the moderator of this
> list, so it isn't my place to play traffic cop, but I wholeheartedly agree
> that the value of this list seriously diminishes when too many folks get
> off
> on a tangent not directly related to Spitfire cars. Sure, it takes
> gasoline
> to power our little beauties, but things seem to go overboard in a hurry.
> Personally, I've found the whole issue to be a real bore. I mean, I
> filled
> my tank yesterday and even at $1.99 it cost what? Fourteen bucks!? Big
> deal!
> I briefly gave thought to signing off the list for awhile myself, but then
> realized that this would only be contributing to the problem, not
> alieviating it. So rather than signing off in a huff, why not post a new
> topic directly related to Spitfires and help us get this list back on
> track?
> Cheers,
> Jeff in San Diego
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Mitchell, Douglas (D.B.) <>
> To: 'spitfires' <>
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2000 6:39 AM
> Subject: Signing off for a while
> >
> > Fellow Spitted Ones,
> >
> > As the subject states, I am signing off for a while. As a long time
> > member of this list, I am getting fed up with the way some topics are
> > stretched out for so long. First it was the NASS, now gas/fuel prices.
> > My mailbox is seeing way too many messages per day on trivial matters.
> >
> > I may check back in at a later date, but in the meantime, farewell.
> >
> > --
> > Doug Mitchell
> >
> >
> > '73 Spitfire 1500
> >