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Moral support needed - badly

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Moral support needed - badly
From: "Dave Terrick" <dterrick@home.com>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2000 09:44:40 -0600
Hi all,   Terrick here (again),  this time a bit sheepishly.

Having regaled you in the story of my March 1 drive,  I fear I have spoken
too soon.  On the test drive of the new differential (yes, Joe,  a good one
it seems, thanks)  2nd and 3rd gear's synchronisers decided to have a
holiday all of their own!

...never driven a 2 speed TR before, and don;t recommend it either.  A field
strip of the interior (I'm too good at that job!) reveals 2nd and 3rd gears
floating in the middle of the stack - as if the 1/2 circle washers have
parted company with their intended location.  sort of a "Thrust
washerectomy" of the gearbox kind.

While I was intending a gearbox refresh this spring,  I did not intend it to
be so early.  Further, it appears as if the damage from the wreck of '98 was
a bit more severe than I thought.

In short, I am looking for an "excellent" GT6 box, 4 speed or better.  ASAP.

Sadly, the removal of the LSD 4.11 also revealed how many handling sins a
locked diff can hide.  A full suspension is needed to "restore" the feel I
am accustomed to.  Now add a multi-thousand dollar paint quote.....

Help!  I'm drowning! (and just about ready to give up.  Should have gotten
AGT 666 for a license plate)

Dave T

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