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Re: More Questions

To: "Ken C" <kenwc@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: More Questions
From: "Peter C." <nosimport@mailbag.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 17:57:49 -0600
As Graham said... level the jets with the bridge, then back-off the jet
nut... 12 flats is generally recommended. The throttle screws are usually
1-1/2 turns in from when they first move the throttle shaft.
Remember, however, to separate the carbs, by that I mean undo the
connecting linkage so that they are being adjusted independently. Do to one
what you do to the other until you get close to an idle speed, then
individually fiddle with them to synchronize them.
        Piece of cake  ;-)
Peter C
At 03:25 PM 2/25/2000 , Graham Stretch wrote:
>Hi Ken
>Just checked all my manuals with SU's in and all it says is wind the jets up
>flush with the bridge then wind them down by an equal amount doesn't say how
>far, also wind the throttle screws clear of the stops then start and run at
>2500 rpm until hot then tune up as normal.
>Sorry this is probably not much help!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Ken C <kenwc@pacbell.net>
>To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
>Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2000 11:55 PM
>Subject: More Questions
>> Spitlisters,
>> About ready to fire up the motor. This is a '72, but with a '69 dual SU
>> setup. Are there any preliminary settings for the SU's ?
>> TIA...Ken C

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