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Re: Moving On

To: spitlist@gte.net, Tburke4@aol.com
Subject: Re: Moving On
From: "Earl Smith" <earl56@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2000 17:41:05 GMT
i'm with Joe, but shouldn't we try to get an idea of where everyone is 
geographicaly for instance I have no idea if there are any other list 
members in Louisiana besides myself.
>I second the motion, but add that 3 to 5 locations probably are not
>enough to allow everybody to get involved.  We probably ought to let the
>location and number of local "Chapters" seek their own level.
>What we need are volunteers to head up local initiatives into
>establishing their chapters.
>Tburke4@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > Terry and all,
> >
> > Now that the dust has settled, can we talk about some club matters that
> > everyone might find more agreeable (I hope)? I motion that we discuss 
> > agree upon 3 to 5 locations (spaced equitably around the country) and 
> > to meet and talk about Spitfires and hang out and have some fun like 
> > live, non-virtual people.
> >
> > Tom Burke
> > 80 Spit
>"If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
>  -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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