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More Club Ranting

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: More Club Ranting
From: "Terry L. Thompson" <tlt@digex.net>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 12:31:21 -0500
Maybe I'm missing the point, but the Ford Mustang has an image of a running
wild horse (A mustang maybe?) So, I'm assuming that Ford Motorcorp was
trying to project the image of wild and free stallions on it's vehicle. If
you want to put a link on your web page, direct it to the "Free Horses of
America" or whatever.

Triumph, from what I understand was a motorcycle manufacturer, that started
making cars after WWI and then in WW2 had converted their factories to
produce aeroplanes, most notable of which was The Spitfire.
After the war, Triumph reverted to making cars again. And in 1964 Triumph
had a car that they were proud of, and gave it the name of the famous
battle plane which they had produced 20 years earlier. Besides it was
"gitche" and it sold cars.

Hanging on my wall is a Triumph ad from 1974 (?) that has a WW2 flying ace
endorsing the plane. Even before WW2, Triumph had produced the "Southern
Cross" (named for the first airplane to cross the Pacific in 1938, piloted
by Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith). They liked planes.

It's all about marketing. Triumph WANTED you to associate the spitfire car
with the heritage of WW2 flying aces. Anyone have those cheep little
buttons that have the WW2 Roundel with the word SPITFIRE on it? (Raising hand)

After a few years the Spitfires across the models had won many track and
rally races (atleast in their class).  And it made it's own notariety by
it's rave reviews of automotive magazines, and in the TEAM 44 race drivers.
Many of you probably would like the logo based on the TEAM 44 meatball.
Heralding (note the pun) the era and prestige of one of the SCCA's most
decorated Racing machines in the high-tide of American automotive love

But either way, weather you want the logo associated with a famous plane or
a famous race team, your hitching your wagon to a shooting star. The same
way Triumph did 40 years ago. 

It reminds me of the "you're a dummyhead syndrome".
And if deciding on aspects and rules of a "club" is going to tear this
email list apart, then maybe you should take it elsewhere.  There's no need
for bad feelings on any side because someone suggests an idea, and others
take it further. I'm sure we could have Adam install a filter to toss all
"NASS" messages before they're sent out.

I personally think the eagle squadron was clever. The Eagle Squadron was
americans that chose to fly the Spitfires into battle. And the club is
Americans (Canada is part of America...its not the U.S.'s fault that the
rest of the world calls us America, G-damn it! It's also not our fault that
you're a country of contientous objectors.) that want choose to drive their
spitfires. It's "gitche". It has a hook to it. It would probably bring
interest from other people that like "gitch"...People would probably stop
you at gas stations and say "What's that patch mean"...and you could tell
them "It's a Marketing Ploy." or draw them into a discussion on spitfires.

I'm not going to start wearing a bomber jacket, saluting people in
spitfires when they pass by, or calling someone "major" just because they
had an extra $1000 to spend on a few junked spitfire parts cars. (I Don't
even see where anyone suggested doing any of that...am I running a fever?)
I like my spitfire for it's own merits. I fell in love with my car when I
saw it rusting a hole into someone's front yard with a forsale sign. I
thought it was a Volkswagon, for Christ's sake! The guy asked me if I knew
what a Triumph was and I had no f'n idea.

I don't even know why I started on my banter anymore...What I wanted to say
is that one of the following needs to b done. 

A)get a forum for tallying votes and vote on the aspects of the club (1
person 1 vote...not 10 spits, I get 10 votes). And post the information
(logo, charter etc.) to a web page.

B)choose or assign club leaders to make the decisions and direct your ideas
and complaints to them. and have them make a web page (w/logo charter etc.). 

C)Each person that wants a club a certain way, should just do it. Make your
own damned web page. Let the multitudes of you that think you can handle
the responsibility and headache of running a club and maintaining
members...Give it your best shot. And hope someone joins you. God have
mercy on your soul.

Otherwise, the bickering as timid as it is now, will only get worse.
I don't care if you call yourselves Admiral Charlie or Racer X. I just like
going to the events and meeting nice people with a common interest and
appreciation. If I wanted the bickering, I could join the f'n Ford/Chevy

Pretty soon, you people will be heading to the DMV for tags that say "MG
SUX" or making stickers of Calvin peeing on an Austin Healy logo. At that
point, for sale sign goes on my daily driven spitfire, 'cause then I don't
want to be associated with any of you.

That's my buck fifty, due to inflation.

Terry "I'll tell you where you can stick your 2 cents" Thompson
'76 Spit 1500
'50 Ford (without the Calvin)

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