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Re: Put it in perspective!

To: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Subject: Re: Put it in perspective!
From: "William M. Gilroy" <wmgilroy@lucent.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 13:47:36 -0500
Susan Hensley wrote:
> Hey all,
> Everybody, please lighten up on what started as a light, fun topic!
> Look at it this way -- like it now or not, Triumph has associated the
> Spitfire sportscar with the Spitfire Supermarine fighter.  How many
> vets, British or other, have raised a lawsuit, lobbied Washington,
> burned Paul R. in effigy, etc. over this past association?  Answer:
> none.

I usually lurk on this list since I own a 77 Midget with a 1500cc engine.
The real problem is that Triumph named the car a Spitfire.  Now if they 
had named it something like a Midget you would have no problems with the
vets.  Of course you picture would have to have a really short person on
it .... no wait that might cause a problem.  Hordes of protesting little
people. Never mind.  

Bill Gilroy

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