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RE: Our Club

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Our Club
From: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 11:20:48 -0500
Just to add a couple thoughts and add some items to be thought about.  My
preference for a name is the North American Spitfire Squadron (I think we
should avoid faddish names, they are only cute a little while).  

For information on the website please send me more than just your name!!  My
ISP will not allow CGI scripting so the submission form will not work (I
will fix that somehow) But tell us who you are, where you live, how old,
your occupation, your cars, and your story.  Take a look around at the
others and you will see what I mean.  Please send pictures of YOU and your
car, mulitple pictures OK, must be in *.jpg of *.gif format.  The site
address is http://www.jacksonville.net/~spitfires  and my addres is
pabowen@mediaone.net (earlier it was printed wrong).

Now for what I might be flamed for, they are just thoughts of items we
should be aware of.  I think we need to be carefull of transforming this
list into the "official" club medium.  We can isolate and loose people from
the list that might not have interest, we need to keep it open to all, and
it actually is not ours to do that with.  I think we also should be careful
that we are not estranging ourselves from the VTR.

I think the list is OK to use as a place where the club "hangs out" but that
it remains open to all, and we should be a chapter or supporter of the VTR.

I like the idea alot, but we should be careful or we could cause ourselves
more problems than good.  Most of all I think if this idea is to go forward
we need to get organized and form a group or committee to arrange some
details for a general consensus.

Not trying to detract, but trying to keep it real.

Patrick Bowen
waiting for flames

-----Original Message-----
From: Banbury, Terrence [mailto:Terrence.Banbury@dnr.state.oh.us]
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 10:51 AM
To: 'spitfires@autox.team.net'
Subject: Our Club

Sorry for not getting in this skirmish over the weekend, but I was AWOL due
to a birthday, etc.  Sounds like you guys have really mapped out this
mission.  I have quickly reviewed the discussion and will add my comments

Club Name:  Is the club name dependent on some cute abbreviation?; (SNAP,
NASTY, whatever)...I mean, what's wrong with SAC, or RAF, or USMC, or CIA or
KGB?  All recognizable in their own right.  The point is, the name of the
club should not be at the mercy of being "catchy", afterall we don't need a
marketing "hook".  We're all gonna join ....right?  I think Joe's original
name is the best...."The North American Spitfire Club".   I was thinking
about global, but there ARE already Spit clubs in other parts of the world;
so it makes sense to limit our "theater of operation".   $.02 ( Hey, where's
my change?)  

DUES!!!  No dues...What will be done with the $$$?   Let's just put together
a hat, shirt, logo order one time, (maybe once a year as new conscripts
arrive?) and be done with it. 

Membership:  Open to all Spitfires (even those with severe engine
modifications; the X squad (this means you, Woodie!)), and GT6s owned by
residents of, or located in North America (north of the equator).   The
GT6's can be the Black Sheep squadron.

Rank, etc.:   "Maybe you can work your way up in rank by the number of spits
you have, the time you have been in the club, and any other criteria we find
useful.  "...  Too competitive, too military, and not consistent with (what
I hope will be) an egalitarian group.  Nothing we do with this club should
undermine the fellowship that I sense exists among this group.

Newsletter:  Scott Hall has generously offered to handle this and he should
do so as he sees fit.  If he needs a little financial help, I think we all
could sell a few "war bonds" to help out.

Website: Patrick Bowen  ( send name and Spit info to  pbowen@mediaone.net)
Same as above.

Flight suits:  Ralph Jannelli;  all we need is a final logo design

Logo:  I think Susan Hensley's comments were appropriate regarding TRF's
design.  I guess, we are waiting for posting of logos to comment upon?

This is a small attempt to solidify all the discussion and give a framework
to the club.  I strongly urge that the list members who have volunteered
their time and effort be given the final say as to how and what things get
done.  Can we reach an agreement on this?

Waiting for further orders....( and a sound flaming, I'll warrant!)

Terry Banbury

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