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Re: club moniker and dues

To: Scott Hall <sch8489@garnet.acns.fsu.edu>
Subject: Re: club moniker and dues
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 09:32:46 -0600
Here's a thought -- how about the 44th Tactical Wing (for Group 44) and
have printable "draft forms" on line to stick on other Spits/GT6s when
you see them around your area?  (Thanks to Earl Smith for the draft form

Keep Triumphing,
Susan   :)

Scott Hall wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Dave Terrick wrote:
> > What's a poor GT6 owner to do?  The "6 pack" club cater s to TR6's and has
> > little involvement with the "spitfire on steroids".  The spitfire club,
> > proposed, has not yet recognised the GT6 as the "production version of the
> > LeMans Spitfire".
> I vote to let in the gt6, we can call the club North American Spitfire and
> gT6 Yahoos--NASTY.  or, a probably better idea, how 'bout 42nd Tactical
> Fighter Wing--give me a day and I'll look up what the name the brits had
> for a wing in wwII, we can call ourselves that.  or just North American
> Spitfire Club.  gt6s are spitfires anyway, so we don't need a paragraph
> long name.  Maybe just American Spitfire Club.

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