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Re: How many are we?

To: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Subject: Re: How many are we?
From: Susan Hensley <susan@bearcom.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 12:36:32 -0600
Don't laugh -- when I had my first '63 Dodge Custom 880 (in the late
'80's), the paint wasn't the best, so I thought it would be fun to paint
stuff all over the car.  I had friends at Barksdale AFB who gave me
stencils like they used on the planes and equipment, and I had fun
putting "Stand Clear of Blast" on the back, "Step" at the bottom of the
doors, and "This End Up" with an arrow pointing upward.  But what got
the most comments and giggles were the running shoes and shopping carts
painted in little rows on the front driver's side fender!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan  :)

Joe Curry wrote:
> "Simmons, Reid W" wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, count me in too.
> >
> > Does this mean I will be able to paint little "swastikas" or "meatballs" on
> > the side of my Spitfire to indicate the number of German or Japanese [car]
> > "kills" I have?
> Yep!
> And if you get enough you will be called "Ace"!
> Joe
> --
> "If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort."
>  -- Dave Weinbaum in National Enquirer

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