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RE: New Soon to Be Race Car

To: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>,
Subject: RE: New Soon to Be Race Car
From: Carter Shore <clshore@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 11:01:11 -0800 (PST)
I have to agree somewhat with Patrick.
Despite what has happened with SCCA over the years, it
is still a member oriented organization.
It is possible to race without spending a ton of
money, still be reasonably quick, and have loads of

The cheapest and easiest way is to buy an existing
racecar. It already has the mandatory work done,
safety equipment, etc. It will most likely have some
performance mods done, plus spares. The seller may
even be getting rid of the safety gear, if quitting
the "hobby". Look in the Grassroots Motorsports
classified, or the SCCA magazine.

Only problem is, takes a lump of cash to get into, vs.
building a car yourself over time. But racecars and
racing equipment depreciate horribly. You must
consider any money that you spend on parts and labor
GONE. If you get back $.10 on the dollar, you will be

Having done both, I will buy used if at all possible
when I get back into the sport.

Would you rather spend all your time working on the
car, or racing it? Required racecar maintenance
increases with the square of the money spent on
"trick" equipment.

The point is, as stated, to Have Fun!
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

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