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RE: New Soon to Be Race Car

To: "'rallred@inconnect.com'" <rallred@inconnect.com>,
Subject: RE: New Soon to Be Race Car
From: "Bowen, Patrick A RP2" <PABowen@sar.med.navy.mil>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:05:23 -0500
Robert, I think you missed my intent somewhat.  My intention is to race for
the enjoyment and in autocross currently.  I have seen so many people that
go to invest entirely too much money on their car and then never get to
drive it.  I know one person that is doing this to his car and I will be
able to beat in a stock spit because he drives like a granny.  

I need to get into the sport for the smallest amount of cash possible, to do
otherwise would prevent me from doing it at all, then you would have one
more spit on the scrap heap.  i will probably run a stock engine for a while
until it goes. Lets get out and race and then I can improve as I go along.
I will probably spend my time mainly at weekend SCCA events, will I be beat
probably.  But the rush I will recieve will be incredible and will keep me
active and going for it.  

You have to ask yourself why.  Why race, why try.  If the answer is because
you are determined to be an average driver in the absolute best car go for
it.  If your answer is to be the best driver in a car that is not so special
that is pretty cool.  I want to do it for the fun.  i don't want to do it to
win every race (it would be nice) i want to know that I am an awesome driver
that is capable of driving MY car at 110% of its ability.  Otherwise my name
would probably be on a NASCAR somewhere oweing money to the bank.

as the say
Carpe' Diem

Patrick Bowen

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Allred [mailto:rallred@inconnect.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 1999 11:44 AM
To: Bowen, Patrick A RP2; spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: New Soon to Be Race Car


Racing and inexpensive are precise opposites!  About the least expensive 
I can think of is a spec class such as SCCA's Spec Rx-7 class which
severly restricts the expensive and trick modifications.  Still, safety 
and handling improvements, racing tires, and a sound motor and chassis 
will set you back $6-7,000.00. Sure, you can cut corners, how much do 
you like breaking down and not finishing the race, or how much do you 
enjoy being easily beaten by other competitors who have invested to the 
limit of the rules not only for safety and reliability, but performance 
I don't think there is a Spec class for Spitfires, except perhaps in 
VTR.  SCCA production racing is way, way more expensive than my example 
above, $35-50000 just to build a reasonable car!?  Most vintage groups 
use some version of period accurate SCCA rules, so probably not a great 
deal of savings there, with the possible exception of vintage stock 
classes.  Still, you'll need the minimum safety, reliability mods,
figure $3500.
My last thougt, if you want to race, go for it.  But, be realistic, 
budget at least for the minimum of safety and reliability, then try to 
budget for the performance mods the class you pick will allow.  
Otherwise I don't think you 'll enjoy racing much.  Wow, almost forgot,
personal gear, driving suit, helmet, gloves, etc, etc, all required by 
just about all wheel to wheel racing organizations.  Another $750 or so!

Good Luck

Bowen, Patrick A RP2 wrote, in part:
>  As such I am looking
> at building an inexpensive race car (very inexpensive).


> Patrick Bowen

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