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Re: Spitfire gets praised and picked on!

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Spitfire gets praised and picked on!
From: "Tom Shirley" <tshirley@vol.com>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 19:54:15 -0500
> That is because you have a '79 Spit.  Have you driven one of the early
> ones that don't have the swing-spring?  Without the camber compensator
> installed it can be a real adventure!
> Joe

Joe is right. Apparently some of the folks on the list haven't experienced
that sudden slide - lift effect when the outside wheel curls up under the
car and she goes up on 3. Make the old orbs get kinda big. The first time it
happened to me (in my brothers 65) I couldn't figure out what was going on.
Then somebody who saw it told me. Slowed me down just a tad after that. And
at the time, I didn't know there was a fix.

The nostalgic feel and character of the Spitfire can't be beat by any other
LBC. But for those who say they've never driven a better handling stock
sports car, I'd love to take you for a ride in my Miata. You'd change your
mind. The two cars are entirely different and poles apart in technology. I
like to feel that my 99 Miata is what the Spitfire would have become, had
they not pulled the plug on the car we all love.

My 78 is for sale, but I won't be leaving the list and I have my eye on a
Spit 6 project that I'm trying to work a deal for. I'll always have a

Tom Shirley Sale Creek, TN
99 Mazda Miata (Bad Dog Racing)
78 Triumph Spitfire (for sale)

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