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URGENT! How do I check non-running Spitfire?

To: "Spitfire List" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: URGENT! How do I check non-running Spitfire?
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 07:11:24 -0800
Hello all.  I have been on an exhaustive, nationwide search for a '67 or '68
Spitfire Mk3 (fueled by my mid-life crisis, ha ha) and by some strange
miracle, found one practically in my backyard from an ad on the Internet
late last night.  I'm driving over to take a look this morning.
Structurally, I know what to look for and where (I'll be bringing my floor
jack, flashlight and magnet), but according to the current owner, it "needs
to have the radiator cleaned and installed and could use a tune up and new
tires".   If the car is in halfway decent, original condition (the current
owner says "very clean and original", I'll buy her on the spot and begin
restoration tomorrow.  But how can I tell that the engine hasn't siezed or
the transmission isn't a basket case when I can't even start it?  I guess I
can try turning the engine by hand and seeing if the cylinders are free
(please refresh my memory on how to do that -- it's been over 20 years since
I've owned a Spitfire).  The price seems about right unless the running gear
is totally shot.  Can some of you Spitfire experts give me some tips on what
I CAN look for during my visual inspection of the drive train components?
What tools should I bring?  Finding a structurally sound local car (the
current owner says "no rot" -- something I'll actually be able to confirm
with my own two eyes) in the exact year and model I was looking for that I
don't have to ship (okay, I WILL have to have it towed!) would be a dream
come true.  Please help with any practical suggestions.  Thank you in

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