> Listers, I just received a call back from my local sheriffs dept., it seems
> in my local area we have what is called a ="scavenger-hunt"= each year in
> December. Whomever/whatever are given a list of items they must >
> or get the best way they can, in this case, a mirror from a sports car, and
> a bumper piece from a english car. He also told me they have to locate >
> other car parts, as well as police parts, school parts, mail boxes, trash
> cans, as he said all stupid stuff that will make you have to work to find it
> etc. The list is usually comprised of about 25 different parts, and it is
> all done just for fun. I 'm located in a gated community, with our own
> police force, not considered upscale, but certainley not the ghetto either,
> over 50 % is military officers ( we backup to Quantico, and the FBI >
> plus the Pentagon is just a short distance. These are not underprivilaged
> kids, and everyone already knows = "My kids would never" yea.
>Scavenger-hunt" how quaint. "FT"
Gee Fred, I'm surprised you didn't blame it on me now that I'm back in the
Brad (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
My Triumph Web Site Http://www.141.com/triumphs (updated 4/29/99)
My Dodge Web Site Http://www.141.com/dodge (updated 4/7/99)
1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L -- Now camber compensated!
1962 TR4 CT288L -- 1965 TR4 CT38888LO parts car?
1959 TR3A TS41311L -- 1959 TR3A TS53523L parts car
1951 1/2 ton Dodge Truck B-3-B-108
xxxx Mayflower (still searching for one)