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rust and rain

To: "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: rust and rain
From: "Ron Roach" <rroach@direct.ca>
Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 16:09:49 -0800
Hi gang!
Due to a recent accident where are grocery getter tercel has been written
off, we're left carless until we find another, or I could insure the
spitfire and drive it until another car comes along.  Problem is, my spit is
almost completely rust free, and we live in Vancouver, BC... the heart of
the rainforest!
My question is, what really causes rust?  Is it driving in wet weather (no
salted roads here), or is just plain moisture in the air?  My car is in a
dry underground space.  Would driving for awhile on wet roads start the road
to destruction?  I'm curious to find out how other owners treat their spits.

'78 1500 w/ 43,000 orig miles

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