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Re: Oil Pressure

To: <A666K@aol.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Oil Pressure
From: "Thomas Carney" <gt6plus@gis.net>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 01:36:33 -0500

  When I first started my oil pressure gauge project on my GT6 I opted for
an electric one.  What is nice about that is the late 70's early 80's Jag
sedans had electric oil pressure gauges.  The same size as the temp and fuel
gauge on our cars.  Plus the gauge is smiths to make all gauges match.  My
understanding is that the spitifre uses Jaeger however.  But smiths is still
closer than some other after market job.  If you go this route remember to
remove the electric sending unit as well.  I forgot to and when I found out
the price of a new one was $90
I changed my mind and went for a mechanical gauge.  I removed the smiths
faceplate and put it in the aftermarket one.  To install the line you can
get a little $5 kit that allows you to use the existing oil galley by way of
a piece that screws in to it but has 2 inputs on the other end. Hope this

> Two questions:
> A. When attaching an oil pressure gauge to a car (say a spitfire?!), which
> preferable
>   I. a sender on the block with wires to an electric gauge, or
>   II. an oil line to the gauge itself (mechanical type)
>   What are the dis/advantage of each design.
> B. If I was to go with a mechanical type gauge, where could a tap a line,
> assuming         that I want to retain the external oil line and oil lamp.
> TIA,
> Avi

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