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To: SPITFIRES <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: joke
From: "Arthur H. Smith" <arthurhsmith@compuserve.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 10:34:50 -0500
A blonde is driving her brand new restored TR down the road and as she 
passes a truck she cuts him off. He honks and flags her down indicating to
pull over. She does and the trucker walks up and yells at her to get out of
her car. When she does he walks half way back to the truck reaches into his
pocket and pulls out a piece of chalk. He draws a circle on the ground and
tells her to stand in it and don't step out of it, so she goes over and
stands in the circle.

The trucker goes over to her car and opens the door and slashes the leather
seat with his packing knife. He turns around and the blonde has a smirk on
her face which angers the trucker more.
 He goes back to his truck and gets a tire iron and smashes the dash
instruments and when he turns around the blonde is smiling. This infuriates
the trucker more so he walks around the car smashing the windows. When he
looks at the blonde she is chuckling. So he takes his knife out again and
slashes all the tires. When he turns around again she is laughing, so this
time he is really pissed off. He gets a can of gas from his truck, douses
the car and sets it on fire. He turns around and the blonde is on the
ground laughing, holding her stomach.
He yells at her "What the hell is so funny?"
"Well" she says "each time you turned your back I stepped out of the

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