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Re: to those autox-ing spits

To: <SpitRacer9@aol.com>
Subject: Re: to those autox-ing spits
From: "James Libecco" <jfl@neoucom.edu>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1999 20:57:34 -0500
indeed it does say that the cam is expected to be "non-expendable item".
but also it says that cars may be backdated to previous production specs.
so if a different cam was used in a previous year, then is that considered

finding the rules way to vague...

----- Original Message -----
From: <SpitRacer9@aol.com>
To: <jfl@neoucom.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 01, 1999 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: to those autox-ing spits

> Jim,
>     I think you are reading the rules wrong.  Street prepared class
> allow you to change the cam to a different profile, there is an ammendment
> the rule book, appendix G I beleive that states that profile can't be
> changed.  The best car setup would be the 1.5" but I have very good luck
> my 1.25" on my club racer.  Street prepared doesn't allow you to make any
> internal modifications to the engine other than balanceing (and maybe
> lightening, I don't have the rule book handy), but it does focus on
> suspension mods which can be quite extensive.  But in street prepared you
> might not be limited to SU's, you might be allowed to run a weber setup.
> prepared catagory is very similar to the club racing production car specs.
> This has specific carbs for engine size (1147, 1296 or 1500) and won't let
> you use 2 1.5" on a 1500.  Be careful and call your local tech guy for
> clafications on rules, but I'm positive in street prepared you can't
> cam profiles.
> aaron
> '72 Mk IV FP club racer

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