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More vacuum stuff :-)

To: Randall Young <randallyoung@earthlink.net>
Subject: More vacuum stuff :-)
From: Barry Schwartz <bschwart@pacbell.net>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 13:55:26 -0700

Ya know, with the recent re-discussion of vacuum advance/retard you got me
thinking, and I'm certainly willing admit incorrectness, when I am.  Having
said that, I thought about using the ported vacuum on my Fuel injected V6
because of the problems I had getting it to idle with things set per the
(GM) factory procedure.  To much problem with the IAC overacting.  Using
the ported side allowed better idle control under these conditions, and at
least for now, I'm going to try it this way.  The engine would still like
the advance at idle, but the way the system was designed, it should run (at
idle) better using ported vacuum.  (I'm also getting a Haltech unit to help
with fuel control, but that's a different matter) As long as things don't
get too hot sitting at idle for extended periods, I'll be fine.  The GT6,
and the Truck however will stay with non-ported vacuum.  The GT6 I know
would get hotter on hot days, as it already runs hot when the temp is over
90 outside - Thanks for starting me thinking (without the blinders) again.
Every now and then I need a kick start -

Barry Schwartz (San Diego) bschwart@pacbell.net

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