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Re: my last word on being burned..

To: "Jim" <jdeatsc1@rochester.rr.com>, "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>,
Subject: Re: my last word on being burned..
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 15:42:09 -0700
I rather agree with Fred-I have never been part of a "clique"!

Now, there's two people who are/were unhappy with their dealings with the
Jones'-but two out of how many who *are* happy? I don't like to deal with
Moss-never got a correct and timely order from them (Dave doesn't care to
deal with them either-but must.) But there are plenty of people who are
happy with them. I could list and blast-but hey! one or two out of how many
happy customers? Working in retail for all these years, I know first hane
that it's impossible to make everyone happy. Out of all my customers there
are maybe 6 who have actually complained (and some complaints haven't
anything to do at all with the business! Won't go into it here-too
ridiculous!) -but hundreds and hundreds who are very happy.

So, I usually take it all with a grain of salt and leave it to my own
experience. All one can say is,"Thanks for the warning-I shall take it into
consideration. And then make up my mind for myself."

Laura G.

I think Mrs. Jones sounds like a reasonable and nice lady, myself!

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