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To: Jim <jdeatsc1@rochester.rr.com>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Reply
From: Albert F Jones <fisher@hctc.net>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:07:25 -0500
Much as I might prefer to treat this whole debacle with the contempt that I
believe that it deserves, as Jim Deatsch has enumerated his complaints and
concerns, so must I answer them.  I have interspersed my own comments
between his points, and added my own rider.

At 04:22 PM 10/21/99 -0400, Jim wrote:
>I will say this once more.
>I have been burned by Fisher Jones.  Aaron has been burned by Fisher
>We are not making this up.  Why would we?
>Regardless of what Fisher's supporters say and think these are the
>facts.  His supporters are certainly entitled to their opinions.
>1. I bought something in good faith.

You bought several things, and were sold several things, in good faith.
You always had the option to return these items, at any time.

>2. It was junk.

Had you thought that all the things that you bought were junk you would
surely have returned them - OR made this a public matter earlier, since you
probably would not have deigned to mention it to us.  The bumper that I
presume you are referring to was never represented as being in great
condition, rather the contrary.  You were advised of this.  You said that
you were going to have it re-chromed, and that the necessary work could
have been done at that time.  In the same time frame there were other items
that you enquired about, and were advised, truthfully, of their condition.

Did you, untill you were pointedly asked, ever make any suggestion that you
were unhappy with the bumper?
When you disatisfaction was discovered were you offered a refund of your

>3. It's not worth the $30 plus $10 shipping that I paid for it to pay
>shipping it back.  I took it to the dump and paid for it's disposal.  It
>the least expensive way of dealing with the problem.

Were you offered a full refund, less the cost of the letters which had been
quoted in an earlier message, to include all postage?  I was still
prepeared to honour this solution.  Did you, ever, respond to the last
message sent to you in this regard?

>4. I was not given a price or any indication that I was to pay for the
>"letters".  It was indicated that they were included in the shipment of
>horns and, in fact, they were.  If Mr. Jones belives that this was in
>then he should have brought it up earlier.

Perhaps I thought it in bad taste to remind you of a trifling sum.  The
Quote of $15 for the letters was indeed in another message, along with
other comments - should I post it to the list for confirmation?, 

>5. It has become obvious to me that the one who is burned by a memeber
>the "clique" on this list is in the wrong regardless of the facts.  It's
>obvious to me how some of the members of this group ignore the fact that
>of your membership have been burned by the same individual.  Don't you
>it interesting that two people have had problems with this person?

I was not aware that we belonged to any 'clique', and any supporters that
we may have are only supporters because of prior dealings with them.

Ask Aaron Johnson if he feels that he has been burned?  As I indicated
earlier, I have corresponded with him.  Should I also post his reply here?

>6. The foul language that was so offensive to Ms. Jones was the word
>when referring to the bumper.

When one considers what this word refers to then I feel that I am entitled
to take exception to it.  It may be in common usage, however, it does not
have to be in mine.  I teach my own children, and grandchild,  to have a
wider vocabulary than to resort to such terms.

>7. In spite of Ms. Jone's profession that they did not hear from me for
>"quite a while" it was *I* who did not hear from them for "quite a
>after I sent them the check for the bumper.  They cashed my check.  In
>I had to contact them TWICE more before they got around to sending me
>worthless bumper.

I am prepared to admit, here, that there was a delay in sending the bumper.
 We are not in 'business' any more, rather retired from it.  We have
considerable commitments, not the least of which is to our grandson who is
now living with us.  I do not intend to go into this further - simply
suffice it to say that we have some problems.  We live some considerable
distance from the nearest town, and mailing to Mr. Deatsch may not have
been my priority at that precise moment.  Notwithstanding, Mr. deatsch did
not, at any time, advise us of his displeasure untill I asked him about it.

>Ask yourselves, what do you honestly think I stand to gain by telling
>people of someone who rips you off besides an attempt to protect you
>having the same thing happen to you.
>I shall not comment further.  Let your heads guide you in this manner.
>Rawchester, Neu Yawk
>Sptifire MkII "HardWay"  FC68436L  Red, what else?

I am very distressed by all of this.  None of it was necessary.  Mr.
Deatsch chose, for his own reasons, to begin this public saga, and I have
needed to respond.  To do otherwise would have been to admit to his claims.
 He is  mistaken about my husband and his integrity.  I believe that I have
answered all of his points in a reasonable fashion.  There are many
comments that I have begun on this line, and deleted, all of them were too
angry, from my heart instead of my head.  If Mr. Deatsch has more to say to
me, then let him address me.

Elizabeth Jones
Comfort, TX

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