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my last word on being burned..

To: spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: my last word on being burned..
From: Jim <jdeatsc1@rochester.rr.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 16:22:53 -0400
I will say this once more.
I have been burned by Fisher Jones.  Aaron has been burned by Fisher
We are not making this up.  Why would we?
Regardless of what Fisher's supporters say and think these are the
facts.  His supporters are certainly entitled to their opinions.

1. I bought something in good faith.
2. It was junk.
3. It's not worth the $30 plus $10 shipping that I paid for it to pay
shipping it back.  I took it to the dump and paid for it's disposal.  It
the least expensive way of dealing with the problem.
4. I was not given a price or any indication that I was to pay for the
"letters".  It was indicated that they were included in the shipment of
horns and, in fact, they were.  If Mr. Jones belives that this was in
then he should have brought it up earlier.
5. It has become obvious to me that the one who is burned by a memeber
the "clique" on this list is in the wrong regardless of the facts.  It's

obvious to me how some of the members of this group ignore the fact that
of your membership have been burned by the same individual.  Don't you
it interesting that two people have had problems with this person?
6. The foul language that was so offensive to Ms. Jones was the word
when referring to the bumper.
7. In spite of Ms. Jone's profession that they did not hear from me for
"quite a while" it was *I* who did not hear from them for "quite a
after I sent them the check for the bumper.  They cashed my check.  In
I had to contact them TWICE more before they got around to sending me
worthless bumper.

Ask yourselves, what do you honestly think I stand to gain by telling
people of someone who rips you off besides an attempt to protect you
having the same thing happen to you.

I shall not comment further.  Let your heads guide you in this manner.


Rawchester, Neu Yawk
Sptifire MkII "HardWay"  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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