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Re: SU Fuel Lines

To: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@mrdog.msl.com>
Subject: Re: SU Fuel Lines
From: Jim <jdeatsc1@rochester.rr.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 21:15:19 -0400
Indeed so Don,

In fact, that's exactly how my MkII has it set up. The double pipe float bowl 
is on the front carb.
I have one of those two holes in a bracket thingies too.  Even gots a new 
in it.  <G>

"Donald H. Locker" wrote:

> > Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 08:32:06 -0700
> > From: Ken C <kenwc@pacbell.net>
> >
> > Spitphiles,
> Who, me?
> > The Stromberg to SU conversion continues... A question regarding fuel lines.
> > The rear SU fuel bowl has 2 ports, the front carb has one port. So, from the
> > fuel pump to the one of the rear ports, the other rear port to the front
> > port. Is it that simple ?
> It is indeed that simple, though early spits had the two-pipe carb on
> the front, and the fuel line went ahead of the thermostat housing, if
> I remember correctly, with a little two-holes-in-a-bent-piece-of-sheetmetal
> bracket to stabilise it up there.  Oh, and a grommet around the fuel
> line, inside one of the holes.
> > Also, the original fuel line ran around the front on the engine from the
> > pump to the Stromberg carb. It would seem easier to run the line across the
> > back of the engine to the rear SU port. Any problems doing it that way ?
> That works fine; might be hotter back there, though.
> Donald.

Rawchester, Neu Yawk
Sptifire MkII "HardWay"  FC68436L  Red, what else?

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