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Re: Spitfire fun

To: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@enteract.com>
Subject: Re: Spitfire fun
From: "R. A. Woodward" <conn@wctc.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 22:38:33 -0500
Let's see... it was what? almost 90 degrees in Chicago today? Hmm...

Tell the wife that you didn't take an uncomfortable ride in a car, you were
relaxing in the worlds fastest portable sauna.

"Eric A. Yates" wrote:

> Just got home from a drive in a downpour. Didn't mean to get caught out
> there, but the storm came in quickly. Man, what fun! With the hood up and
> the heat on, as I discovered driving in the winter, the Spitfire is a cozy
> warm place. With those tiny wiper blades going and a slow drip of water on
> my knee from a charming little leak at the leading edge of the top, it's an
> absolute blast! The wife had fun too. Man, those Miata drivers don't know
> what they're missing! :)
> Eric.
> -----
> Eric Yates
> eyates@enteract.com
> 1978 Spitfire 1500 FM 71614 U
> Chicago, IL USA

"History shows again and again, how nature points out the folly of man."

-R. A. Woodward (conn@wctc.net)

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