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RE: alternator p/n

To: "'nikolai jaremka'" <njaremka@yahoo.com>,
Subject: RE: alternator p/n
From: "Mostrom, Paul" <Mostrom.Paul@principal.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 07:29:54 -0500
I went to a local salvage yard and got one for a '83 Buick - 85 amp.  I just
told the guy at the yard what I wanted to do and we went and looked to see
what he had on the shelf.  I can try to get the GM part number if someone else
doesn't come up with one. 

Modifications to my '77 1500:

Lower mount went straight on, no mods
I built a new slide bracket out of 1 1/4" angle iron, notched and bent a
little for clearance
changed the wiring as per the VTR article
went a few rounds with the parts counter to get a belt that fit

Now I've got a 1500 Spit with enough juice to power just about anything,
halogen headlamps, boomin' stereo, jump start my old ford truck, ect...

Paul Mostrom
'77 Spitfire 1500
'80 Ford F-100 (Triumph Support Vehicle) 

'Black holes, where God divided by zero......'

-----Original Message-----
From: nikolai jaremka [mailto:njaremka@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 1999 7:13 AM
To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: alternator p/n

this goes out to all those on the list that have changed thier
car over to a GM style alternator.  i went to the auto parts
store yesterday, and the part counter guy was a complete ass and
wouldn't help me out.  but, that's grounds for a completly
different thread.  my queston is this: what alternator part
number did you use, and what else did you need to
accomidate(sp?) it into your car?  

like i said, i went to the parts store yesterday to see if i
could get some help in finding an alternator that i could easily
fit into my car.  well i told the guy at the counter what i
wanted to do and he blatanly told me "i don't want to help you
with this problem."  well, that's going to be the last time i go
there for anything.  now i'm going to have to find another place
to buy parts.

so, i looked around for a part number on one of the conversion
guides and couldn't find one.  at that, i'm opening it up to you
guys to help me out.  anyone?

nikolai jaremka
72 spitfire mkIV
east aurora, new york

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