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O/D use

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: O/D use
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 21:17:14 -0700
Hi again - Now that I have you all thinking about O/Ds, what is the
accepted method for engaging/disengaging it?  Use the clutch?  Just back
off on the gas?  (Thanks for the suggestion, Mike).  Any particular
reason why O/D is also available in 3rd?  Is it practical to use it to
create a 6 speed?  I presume that the O/D is not available in 1st or 2nd
due to the higher torque at the driveshaft in those gears.  Correct? 

Thanks in advance again,

Mark Gardner

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