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Re: Clutch and Tranny Question -> Midget 1500

To: "Michael Graziano" <mgrazian@ltcm.com>,
Subject: Re: Clutch and Tranny Question -> Midget 1500
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:05:56 +0100


Sounds like warn syncro baulk rings to me.  If its clutch you should find it
almost imposible to get into R at any time.  Syncro probs will leed to
crunching when you try to get into gear.   Double de-clutching will cure
this, and the practice is good for you box and clutch.  Matching revs is
another method which I use to change gear in town without clutch, but you
need good synchros learn.

Baicly you have two gear slectors.
Each has two splined baulk rings, with 1/2 tooths play in ether direction.
When you try an move the slectors over the gear you push the baulk ring onto
a mini clutch face on the gear.  This twists the baulk ring so that it moves
1/2 a tooth out, and so is not inline and you cant get into the gear.   When
the friction brings the two up to the same speed the baulk ring can be moved
back and the selector slides over.

If the syncro wears it wont move and so wont stop the slector going over, it
then touches selector teath, leading to a loud crunching sound and posible
damageing the TINY 1.2x1.5mm teath.

So if you get crunching your syncros are wearing.
If you dont get crunching your clutch is not fully disengageing therefore
your syncros are working hard to bring the clutch plate up to speed, but not
getting there and wont let you in gear.

A new clutch plate needs more throw than a warn one, apparently!  So you
have throw problems.
First remove the driver carpet, see if you get any more throw.
Replace oval holes etc in the linkage and warn cotter pins.
Check you have the correct pin and tollerance pin in the clutch.
Bleed the clutch hydrolics.
Then spend 10 quid on new rubbers for the slave and mater cylinders.  Take
them to you local autoparts store, and get them to match if they dont have
the correct parts.   The ones you get from other places are getting neer
10-15 years old now!

After all they are standard parts sizes, common to loads of cars.

I dont recomend this with brakes, because the clutch is more fail safe i.e.
if it fails you dont end up doing 130 down a hill heading for a hairping

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