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Re: Tub removal

To: "Kevin B. Rhodes" <krhodes1@maine.rr.com>, <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Tub removal
From: "James Carpenter" <james.carpenter@jccsystems.swinternet.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 13:32:17 +0100
The Haynes Herold Vittess Spitfire and GT6 manual has pictures of the whole
process.  Even showing two people removeing the tub on one of them.  You
will need to make shure that the body is structuraly sound enough to take
being lifted.  I hate to think what would happen if you lifted the tub and
it colapsed, a trip to the emergancy room nodoubt.  If the sills are
unrelyable, weld support bars accross the top and bottom of the doors, and
then weld anouther from top to bottom to make two triangles.  If the bodys
realy bad weld triangular cross braces accross the top of the bar, this will
actuly leave you with a cross at dashlevel in the middle of the car which
would sute an engin lifter if you cant find 4-6 willing friends.

When you are reassebleing it on your new car, if the tub is off don't forget
to look where you need to get access to, so you dont have the stiuation
where you cant get a bolt out because its jammed againsed the body.  i.e.
the nut should be there.

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