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Re: Back into the repair game - endlfoat for the hub/nut?

To: "Triumph TR 7" <tr7@primenet.com>, "Spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Back into the repair game - endlfoat for the hub/nut?
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Sun, 30 May 1999 07:18:30 -0400
> Anyways, anyone know the exact screw I should be screwing in there(I dont
> even see any threads inside of the hub cap), 

I believe that many of the tool kits that came with our cars when new,
included a #8 or #10 set screw for this purpose...but most of the time it
didn't work back then either for the reasons you discovered. In fact, the
mechanics in the dealerships would just pry them off by jamming in a
screwdriver and levering, thereby destroying the cap. To avoid this damage,
I brazed a nut to the inside of my caps to make the job easier next time.

Keith Stewart

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