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Mark II vs 1500

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Mark II vs 1500
From: Mark Gardner <mrgrdnr@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 17:58:10 -0700
Hi all - Can I get some opinions please?  I'm trying to setup visits to
look at two cars tomorrow: a '77 1500 and a '65 Mark II.  From talking
to the owners and lookng at pictures, they sound to be in pretty much
the same shape, for pretty much the same price (although the Mark II has
more miles, it has had some recent rebuild work done on it, and the 1500
appears to be more original.  I'm looking for a nice street car, no
racing or autoxing.  I'll use it mostly around town, some weekend
getaway trips on the back roads and desert roads of Southern California,
and the occaisional 45 mile freeway commute to work (pretty steep 5 mile
hill in the middle).  Can anybody give me the pros and cons of the two
cars? I like the aura of the Mark II, but I realise that the 1500 may be
a little more practical.  But I don't suppose I'm buying a Spitfire
because I'm looking for a practical car (G).

Any comments/suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Mark Gardner

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