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Re: Overdrive drive shaft

To: Eric Kieboom <ekieboom@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: Overdrive drive shaft
From: Dave Chu <dave@ece.concordia.ca>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 18:09:31 -0400

In message <>you write:
>At 22:01 17-05-1999 -0400, Dave Chu wrote:
>>The car is a 78 with overdrive.  The drive shaft has an U-joint at the diff. 
>>end and the other end has something like a cover with some rubber dust cover 
>>on the inside.  Does anyone know if there is an U-joint under the dust cover?

>This is what BL called a "Frictionless Pot Joint". I think we call this a
>constant velocity joint now. They hardly wear compared to the simple U/J's
>on the other end. If the drive shaft is not out of balance or it can be
>easily rebalanced, just leave the CV joint alone. It'll be alright. Honestly.

  Thanks to everyone who replied.  I will leave the drive shaft alone, since
  both end moves freely and with no play (that I can detect).

>Remember the old adage: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

  Yes, I should know better, all this started with me trying to fix
  some wiring problem under the dash.  But, now with the drive shaft off,
  the diff is right there and is crying out for some attention :).

Dave                                                  |\ |     | |      
Dave Chu                                 \/  \/       | /|     | |  
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Eng.                           |/ |     | |      
Concordia University              Voice:(514)848-3115   Fax:(514)848-2802 
1455 de Maisonneuve W. H961       Email:dave@ece.concordia.ca
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8  http://www.ece.concordia.ca/~dave/addr.html

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