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Re: weber carb question

To: tad nelson <clyde5000@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: weber carb question
From: Ted Schumacher <tedtsimx@q1.net>
Date: Mon, 17 May 1999 19:50:26 -0400
tad nelson wrote:
> has anyone slapped a weber DGV onto thier spit?  i'm looking for more HP and
> was considering a K & N air filter...
> worth the money?
> many thanks
> tad
tad, what year is the car?  the downdraft weber is a good carb for easy
starting,e tc. but does not contribute to any major (or minor)
horsepower gain.  stop and think about the direction of the air/fuel
flow through the weber.  air comes in th etop, flows straight down, hits
the bottom of the manifol, is forced to make a right angle bend to flow
each way then immediately make another right angle bend to flow into the
head.  efficient, isn't it. also since this is a progresive 2v carb. the
size of the throat of each side is mcuh smaller than the original carb. 
to make this engine perform with economical horsepaoer, raise
compression, we use 9.5 asa a target, a mild cam and the european 1 1/2"
su's. please take a look at our webpage for these and other spit
performance parts. good luck, ted
Ted Schumacher  
TS Imported Automotive
404 Basinger Rd.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Ph. 800/543-6648  USA/Canada  FAX 419/384-3272 24 hour
Ph. 419/384-3022 - tech./general information
Web page http://www.tsimportedautomotive.com
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