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Re: That PDWA thingy

To: "Donald H. Locker" <dhl@mrdog.msl.com>, dchilds@epri.com
Subject: Re: That PDWA thingy
From: Sam Gentry <hsgentry@cfw.com>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 17:35:16 -0400
The rear and front are isolated by separate reservoirs, pistons, and lines.
 The DPWA ONLY senses the pressure in the two systems and turns on the
light if it is not close to the same.  


At 02:37 PM 5/14/1999 -0400, Donald H. Locker wrote:
>It could be removed, but I would consider it very unwise.  It isolates
>the rear and front brake systems, so that a loss of braking in one
>section does not affect the other.  Any small problem is isolated and
>does not cause complete braking failure.  On some later systems, the
>isolation is diagonally (i.e. right front and left rear brakes operate
>as a pair, left front and right rear as a pair.) because the front
>brakes do so much more of the work.  The diagonal split allows more
>braking power to be available if a leak develops.
>The PDWA (pressure differential warning actuator) also actuates the
>pressure differential warning indicator (the little light) to tell you
>you have a sufficient leak in half of your brake system that it is not
>> This question may show my ignorance.... Oh well.
>> Is there any reason why that break pressure warning switch could not be
>> removed, provided you could find a way to connect the lines back together.
>> Has any one done this?  It would be nice clean up that area a little.

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