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Re: Cranky nuts

To: Andrew Lindeman <drfaustus@london.crosswinds.net>
Subject: Re: Cranky nuts
From: Bob Sykes <s1500@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 1998 19:27:21 -0700
Triumphal Ones,

No need to remove the oil pan & chock the crank.  All you 
need is the "special" tool.  A Vise-Grip(tm) Chain tool
around the front pulley and up against the frame will stop
it from turning.  Available at most any tool store.
An BIG impact wrench, or beating the breaker bar will be
much more effective now.

The problem with "car in gear - brakes on hard" is that
the springs in the clutch friction plate absorb the
impact (as they are supposed to).

Have fun,

Bob Sykes

"Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing."
--Albert Einstein

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