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Re: Leaking fuel pump

To: Bob Sykes <s1500@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: Leaking fuel pump
From: Conn <conn@wctc.net>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 1998 12:03:05 -0500

Bob Sykes wrote:

> Conn,
> 1. Looks like two (related) problems.  All the aftermarket fuel
> pumps I've seen use the rubber diaphram as the seal between
> the two halves (haven't seen a "gasket" here).  There should
> only be fuel in upper half of the pump.  If fuel is getting
> into the bottom half, the diaphram is torn or leaking.  The
> fuel will then (usually) leak out of the vent hole, or go
> into the crank-case.  Check that your engine oil level hasn't
> suddenly gone up.

This unit has a "cap" that houses a small nylon filter screen. The
gasket I was referring to is a seal for this cap. The actual pump
chambers are in a sealed cylinder, so I can't see if the diaphragm is
torn or not.

> 2. I usually use a paper gasket in conjunction with the spacer.
> "Form-a-Gasket" type sealants would work ok too.  These are to
> prevent engine oil from seeping out here.  If you're getting gas
> leaking out between the pump/block, there's a problem with the
> pump.

Sadly, that's what seems to be happening, unless there's a *lot* of gas
running out of the vent, which is just as bad I guess.

Looks like I need a fuel pump. Do the chain auto parts stores carry
these or will I need to go through a company like Victoria British?

> Hope this helps,

It did, Bob. Not what I was hoping to hear, but now I know what to do.

-- Conn  (conn@wctc.net)

History shows again and again,
how nature points out the folly of man.

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