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Conversion to Dual SU's

To: Spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Conversion to Dual SU's
From: Steve Spear <caver@hevanet.com>
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 16:43:40 -0700
Last weekend, at the All British Field Meet in Portland, I picked up
a set of dual SU's from a 1275cc midget. I also got the manifold to put
them on my 1500 Spit. The only problem is that the 1500 manifold sets
the carbs about 1/2 inch further away from each other so that the
linkage won't work. I either need linkage from a previous 1500 set up,
or I need to modify the linkage I already have. 
    My question is- Has anybody done this or has run into this problem?
     Steve Spear
    '79 Spit
    '80 Spit

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