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Re: Clutch Fluid Pipe

To: Tustin <tustin@xmission.com>
Subject: Re: Clutch Fluid Pipe
From: Dave Simpson <dsimpson@ds2.ncweb.com>
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 14:10:21 -0400
To: List

The spirals are to absorb shock, to keep the tube from being "work

Dave Simpson

Tustin wrote:

> Does anybody know what the purpose of the spirals are for in the
> master
> cylinder-to-slave cylinder pipe?  And, are they important?  My '67 had
> three spirals in it, while I looked in my friend's '70, which only has
> one.
>  I replaced that original pipe this weekend with one that I formed,
> but it
> was too short to put any spirals in and I'm wondering if that's
> something I
> need to worry about.  Thanks in advance!
> -Tustin
> '67 Spit (FD2045L)

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