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Seat Location

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Seat Location
From: Randy Potter <rpotter@MAIL.CLARION.EDU>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 15:25:01 -0400
After an awfully long time I'll soon be ready to replace the seats in my
Mark II.  The problem I have now is that I have only a very general idea of
the desirable location of such seats (i.e., one on each side, facing the
windscreen, etc.).  Could one of you good folks who have real seats send me
some measurements so I can locate my seat tracks in the right places?
Also, could someone tell me which way the adjuster lever goes - towards the
driveshaft tunnel or away?

Finally, anyoone got a use for a set of 70's Camaro seats.  They are in bad
shape and ugly, but would work great in a duck blind.

Randy Potter
Mk II Spitfire Comm # FC55339L
Soon to have new seats

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