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Re: oil pressure

To: "Bowen, Patrick A" <jak0pab@jak10.med.navy.mil>
Subject: Re: oil pressure
From: James <james.carpenter@ukaea.org.uk>
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 1998 11:29:46 +0000
Yep, that oil pressure is about right, I think it should be at about
20psi at 100-200rpm cant remember which.  That front oil seel is horible
to chainge, combine chainging it with doing some other work on the car. 
Like a new timing chain if needed, because you will have to remove the
front bolt, plus tourque it up to 150 foot pounds.  To remove, you will
need some large 24" stilsons (things plumers use), and a 5 foot aluminum
tube.  Get this to start with, and you will spend alot less time trying
to get it of.  You can then ether wedge it in gear, hand brake on 4
gear, wheels chocked up, or you can put somthing in the engin sump. 
Then remove the bolt, with the tube over the handel to the stilsons, and
get a couple of people to pull down, and hand on to it.  It should
eventualy go. 

After that it's easy, undo all the bolts and screws, and remove the
timing chain cover, swap the seal, and put back to gether, replaceing
the gasguet.  Make sure you have removed all signes of the old gasguet,
so you won't get any leaks.  Then taking the 150 foot put tourque wrence
tighten,  this may envolve walking up the wall opersite to where your
pushing the wrench, but it does look impressive.    
James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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