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Re: Stuck at 70...

To: scott.barr@mccarty-law.com, spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Stuck at 70...
From: "Dr. Faustus" <drfaustus@london.crosswinds.net>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 23:11:39 -0600
I tracked down my problem, it was an incorrect needle in my carb, forcing it to 
too rich.  Apparently I don't have to correct carb for my year, don't know when 
happened, but it caused me to error when I ordered a needle for it last fall.  
I should have checked to carb numbers...

Andy L.

> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Subject:    Stuck at 70...
> Author: MIME:drfaustus@london.crosswinds.net
> Date:       5/20/98 10:48 PM
> I noticed a problem with my Spitfire today, and was hoping someone could
> send me it the right direction for a solution.
> For some reason when I hit 4000 RPM in fourth gear (Approx. 70 MPH) I
> cannot accelerate anymore.  The car acts as if it's not firing on all
> pistons (Like my VWs gas cut off at redline).  I have tried to recreate
> the problem in all other gears and at idle, but they all rev just fine.
> Any ideas?
> Andy L.
> 1970 Spitfire

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