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Re: Help needed!!

To: Mark Milotay <otmc@bc1.com>
Subject: Re: Help needed!!
From: Brian Furgalus <lennon80@usa.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 20:25:17 -0400
How do I access the archives?  I'm kinda new to this mailing-list thing,
and it's all a little clunky for me!  TIA, Brian.

Mark Milotay wrote:
> You should probably start out by checking the Triumph list archives. This
> subject was hashed out in a very long and drawn out battle over the merits
> of the 2 cars. Having owned both, I will say that they are both good cars
> and that they both have enough different weak points to make them
> equivalent. I am not saying that they are the same car, but they are both
> good starting places for getting in to the LBC world. Eventually you will
> find youself wanting to add other LBC's to your stable. When you get to
> that point a Daimler Dart or a Jag XK150 is a good direction to go.
> Good luck,
> Mark
> At 03:50 PM 27/04/98 -0400, Brian Furgalus wrote:
> >I'm relatively new to the Spitfire, and my interest is begining to peak.
> >I'm 15, soon to be 16, and have been looking/saving for an LBC for quite
> >a while, and for quite some time I've wanted an MGB.  The Spit is
> >starting to get my interest, though.  Which is better for a daily summer
> >driver?  Which is better for a first-time LBC buyer?  Which is more
> >fun?!  I've got an old Honda (yech!) in line for the winter, so I can
> >dedicate the LBC to summer-only driving.  My reasoning behind getting an
> >LBC is their simplicity for one, and ease of work, which I want to get
> >practice with, because I want to go into Automotive Engineering.  Thanks
> >for your help/encouragement!
> >

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