On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:02 AM, John T. Blair <jblair1948@cox.net> wrote:
> At 05:47 AM 10/18/2009, nick brearley wrote:
> >Has anyone experience of ultrasonic carb cleaners?...
> No experience with ultrasonic carb cleaners, but I have the same problem
> with
> my Morgan. The carb gums up something bad.
> What I do, is spray it down with spray carb cleaner, then I take a piece of
> stranded wire, strip several inches of insulation off, and pull 1, 2, or 3
> wire
> and cut them off. Then I use them to try and poke through all the jets and
> passages in the carb. For the larger holes, I twist 2 or 3 wires together
> depending on the size of the hole. As I'm doing this, I'll squirt more
> carb
> cleaner into the area I'm working on.
> This has worked even on the hard to get to port for the accelerator pump.
> It just takes time.
mechanical cleaning of carbs with wires can ruin them. It's quite possible
to enlarge them. (not very likely with a copper wire, but you can scratch
them.) which will change how they behave. I don't have any experience with
cleaning carbs with ultrasonic baths, but I've had lots of other delicate
bits done, and it works very, very well.
David Scheidt
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